Weekly Summary 03/10/14-03/16/14

Mileage: ~60; Elevation: ~5,300′

Monday PM: 5k uphill recovery from Indian School and Tramway to the Powerline trail. Core workout afterwards.

Tuesday AM: 6x400M uphill efforts on Indian School. Around ~700′ of elevation gain during the workout. As good as I’ve been feeling about my uphill abilities in the context of a long run or racing, these workouts are still feeling very difficult. Which I guess is the point.

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Weekly Summary 03/03/14-03/09/14

Mileage: ~45; Elevation: ~6,800′

Monday PM: 5k and 1,000′ of elevation. Some easy uphill hiking training. Core workout after.

Tuesday AM: 4.5M and 800′ of elevation during 400 meter repeats up the Indian School TH road. Legs were a little tired/off.

Tuesday PM: Upper body workout.

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Weekly Summary 02/24/14-03/02/14

Mileage: ~55; Elevation: ~9,600′

Monday PM: Easy 5k around the neighborhood to recover from the weekend, followed by a core workout and foam-rolling.

Tuesday AM: 10k with 5x400M hill repeats on the trails off of the Indian School parking lot.

Tuesday PM: 3.4M. Shakeout run back at Indian school, followed by an upper body workout.

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Weekly Summary 02/17/14-02/23/14

Mileage: ~55 miles; Elevation: ~3800′

Monday PM: 3.00 miles. Easy uphill recovery run at the Indian School TH.

Tuesday AM: 5.91 miles. 4x400M hill workouts on Embudito Trail. I managed to forget my headlamp, which made for some interesting trail-running until the sun started to peek out over the Sandias.

Tuesday PM: 3.01 miles. Easy recovery run around the neighborhood.

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Weekly Summary 02/10/14-02/16/14

Mileage: ~42; Elevation: ~2,900′

Another taper week to rest up for the Moab Red Hot 33k.

Monday: 6.71 miles. Despite dealing with some stomach bug the previous evening and in the morning, I felt really good once I stepped out to run. The weather was beautiful too, so I did a bit longer than planned and felt great.

Tuesday: 5.25 miles. Easy, short hill workout.

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Weekly Summary 02/03/14-02/09/14

Mileage: ~33; Elevation: ~2,600′

Taper madness week. It was exceedingly hard to fully embrace a taper this week as I felt great and was itching to maintain the high (for me) mileage I had been doing in previous weeks.

Monday: 2.13 miles. @7% on the treadmill.

Tuesday: 7.00 miles. Hill work repeats.

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Weekly Summary 01/27/14-02/02/14

Mileage: ~54; Elevation: ~4,500′

Monday: Rest day. I felt really positive about January overall and didn’t want to overextend myself, so I decided a rest day after a long weekend was the smart play.

Tuesday: 6.21 miles. Indian School TH hill workout. Ran a few repeats up the steep ~400M start of the Powerline trail, but my legs were feeling sluggish and I forgot my headlamp, so I didn’t push things too far.

Wednesday: 6.77 miles. My standard neighborhood recovery run loop. Almost every Wednesday I have an easy, recovery run planned and almost every time I feel like I’m running too fast. I need to do a better job of focusing on keeping it mellow on my easy days.

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Weekly Summary 01/20/14-01/26/14

Mileage: ~49 miles; Elevation: ~3,800′

Monday: 2.19 miles. Another uphill walk on the treadmill.

Tuesday: 5.92 miles. I was planning to do a bit longer, but my attempt to break in some new shoes was not going well.

Wednesday: 6.10 miles. Standard neighborhood recovery run loop.

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Weekly Summary 01/06/14-01/12/14

Mileage: ~49 miles; Elevation: ~3,600′

Monday: 2.16 miles. Just cranked out some uphill on the treadmill.

Tuesday: 8.14 miles. There was still some crappy winter weather, so I ran an 8x800M @ 6% incline on the treadmill.

Wednesday: 6.12 miles. Easy recovery run around my standard neighborhood loop.

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