Weekly Summary 01/27/14-02/02/14

Mileage: ~54; Elevation: ~4,500′

Monday: Rest day. I felt really positive about January overall and didn’t want to overextend myself, so I decided a rest day after a long weekend was the smart play.

Tuesday: 6.21 miles. Indian School TH hill workout. Ran a few repeats up the steep ~400M start of the Powerline trail, but my legs were feeling sluggish and I forgot my headlamp, so I didn’t push things too far.

Wednesday: 6.77 miles. My standard neighborhood recovery run loop. Almost every Wednesday I have an easy, recovery run planned and almost every time I feel like I’m running too fast. I need to do a better job of focusing on keeping it mellow on my easy days.

Thursday: 9.01 miles. Trail 365 Fartlek run. I didn’t have quite the leg speed I wanted, but my endurance is feeling outstanding right now.

Friday: Rest day. As the last day of a fantastic month, I had very little need/desire to do any recovery run today.

Saturday: 19.92 miles on trail 365/Embudito Canyon. Tough day on the trails. It didn’t happen as easily as some of my other long runs, but I got things done, even if I was hurting toward the end.

Sunday: 12.16 miles. I ran this on the multi-use/bike paths in my neighborhood in my newish pair of Saucony Kinvaras. My legs felt significantly better than the day before, but the combination of shoes and paved path felt strange.