Weekly Summary 02/03/20-02/09/20

Mileage: 40.20Elevation Gain: 6692 Monday: 1.55M uphill on the treadmill @ 10% incline. Just an easy warm-up before doing a leg workout where I tested out my squat 1RM and did 145 for 5 reps.   Tuesday: 8.11M on the treadmill. The wind was absolutely ripping through the neighborhood, so I[…]

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Weekly Summary 06/29/14-07/06/14

Mileage: ~53; Elevation: ~5400

This week was a bit of a break after last weekend’s big numbers. Overall, I feel good about my training these past six, seven or eight months and at this point I’m just trying to stay healthy until Leadville. In keeping with that goal, my plan is to alternate a big week of running with a week of consistency-focused running. I wanted everything to feel easy this past week, and for the most part it did.

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Weekly Summary 04/21/14-04/27/14

Mileage: ~54; Elevation: ~6,500′

Monday: 3.50M. Uphill recovery power-hike/run, followed by core endurance workout.

Tuesday AM: 3.5M hill repeats workout. 6×400 meter repeats.

Tuesday PM: 5M recovery run around the neighborhood, followed by upper body workout.

Wednesday PM: 10k easy run, followed by lower body workout.

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Weekly Summary 04/14/14-04/20/14

Mileage: ~45; Elevation: ~4,400′

Monday PM: ~5k uphill recovery walk with ~1400′ gain. My legs felt surprisingly good for barely 48 hours after an ultra. This felt just like a recovery effort should, leaving me refreshed after finishing my walk and core workout.

Tuesday AM: ~3.5M uphill run. 6x400meter uphill efforts, with ~550′ of gain. Not a bad effort here either.

Tuesday PM: Half hour recovery run around the neighborhood, followed by an upper body workout.

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Weekly Summary 04/07/14-04/13/14

Mileage: ~43; Elevation: ~4,300′ Race week finally! Monday: Rest. That’s right, an actual complete day of rest from running. I believe this is my first non-running day since January, but I really felt like I needed it. I knew there was no real compelling reason to train today and that[…]

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Weekly Summary 03/31/14-04/06/14

Mileage: ~41; Elevation: ~5100′

Taper madness week! This week really epitomized tapering. I could feel my body really needed some downtime prior to the Cedro Peak 45k, but I felt so bad not running much all week too.

Monday: 5k easy. 500′ of upness. Followed by a core workout.

Tuesday AM: 4.5M hill workout of 6×400 meters. Around 600′ of elevation gained during the uphill repeats.

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Weekly Summary 03/24/14-03/30/14

Mileage: ~65; Elevation: ~4500′

Monday PM: 3.33M,~900′ gained. Easy uphill recovery power-hike. Followed by core workout and climbing on my garage wall.

Tuesday AM: 5k, ~500′ gained. 5×400 meter uphill efforts with 400 meter recoveries.

Tuesday PM: 10k recovery run around my standard Winrock park loop. Followed by upper body workout.

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Weekly Summary 03/17/14-03/23/14

Mileage: ~53; Elevation: ~4100′

Monday PM: 5k uphill recovery run followed by core workout and climbing.

Tuesday AM: 2.5M, 4x400m uphill repeats. Legs were dead tired today, so I cut this workout short and decided to skip my evening recovery run to rest my legs.

Tuesday PM: Upper body power-endurance lifting session.

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