Weekly Summary 03/17/14-03/23/14

Mileage: ~53; Elevation: ~4100′

Monday PM: 5k uphill recovery run followed by core workout and climbing.

Tuesday AM: 2.5M, 4x400m uphill repeats. Legs were dead tired today, so I cut this workout short and decided to skip my evening recovery run to rest my legs.

Tuesday PM: Upper body power-endurance lifting session.

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Weekly Summary 03/10/14-03/16/14

Mileage: ~60; Elevation: ~5,300′

Monday PM: 5k uphill recovery from Indian School and Tramway to the Powerline trail. Core workout afterwards.

Tuesday AM: 6x400M uphill efforts on Indian School. Around ~700′ of elevation gain during the workout. As good as I’ve been feeling about my uphill abilities in the context of a long run or racing, these workouts are still feeling very difficult. Which I guess is the point.

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Weekly Summary 03/03/14-03/09/14

Mileage: ~45; Elevation: ~6,800′

Monday PM: 5k and 1,000′ of elevation. Some easy uphill hiking training. Core workout after.

Tuesday AM: 4.5M and 800′ of elevation during 400 meter repeats up the Indian School TH road. Legs were a little tired/off.

Tuesday PM: Upper body workout.

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Weekly Summary 02/24/14-03/02/14

Mileage: ~55; Elevation: ~9,600′

Monday PM: Easy 5k around the neighborhood to recover from the weekend, followed by a core workout and foam-rolling.

Tuesday AM: 10k with 5x400M hill repeats on the trails off of the Indian School parking lot.

Tuesday PM: 3.4M. Shakeout run back at Indian school, followed by an upper body workout.

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Trip Report: House to Sandia Crest Challenge

When I first moved to Albuquerque almost three years ago, on my very first run, I made the obvious decision of running toward the mountains. I barely watched where I placed my feet, because my eyes were glued to the mountain range that was now right outside my front door.

I happened upon a bike path less than a quarter of a mile into my run and continued to follow it toward my objective. The bike path quickly led me to a trail system less than a mile and a half from my apartment. Over the next few months, I continued to take that same path into the mountains, exploring the multitude of trails that I could find directly outside my front door.

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Recovery Reading 03/02/14

Blogging Moab’s Red Hot 33k/55k. Patrick from Running Pride and Rocky Mountain Runners rounds up all the various race reports from the front-runners to the mid-packers, including mine and his own.

2014 The North Face TransGranCanaria Preview. iRunFar rounds up the competition for this week’s rugged European Ultra. 28,000′ of climbing over 77 miles. Yikes! Bryon Powell also interviewed Timothy Olson and Seb Chaigneau, two of the top contenders in TGC. I don’t know how anyone could not cheer on these two guys.

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Weekly Summary 02/17/14-02/23/14

Mileage: ~55 miles; Elevation: ~3800′

Monday PM: 3.00 miles. Easy uphill recovery run at the Indian School TH.

Tuesday AM: 5.91 miles. 4x400M hill workouts on Embudito Trail. I managed to forget my headlamp, which made for some interesting trail-running until the sun started to peek out over the Sandias.

Tuesday PM: 3.01 miles. Easy recovery run around the neighborhood.

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Weekly Summary 02/10/14-02/16/14

Mileage: ~42; Elevation: ~2,900′

Another taper week to rest up for the Moab Red Hot 33k.

Monday: 6.71 miles. Despite dealing with some stomach bug the previous evening and in the morning, I felt really good once I stepped out to run. The weather was beautiful too, so I did a bit longer than planned and felt great.

Tuesday: 5.25 miles. Easy, short hill workout.

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