Recovery Reading 03/02/14

  • Blogging Moab’s Red Hot 33k/55k. Patrick from Running Pride and Rocky Mountain Runners rounds up all the various race reports from the front-runners to the mid-packers, including mine and his own.
  • 2014 The North Face TransGranCanaria Preview. iRunFar rounds up the competition for this week’s rugged European Ultra. 28,000′ of climbing over 77 miles. Yikes! Bryon Powell also interviewed Timothy Olson and Seb Chaigneau, two of the top contenders in TGC. I don’t know how anyone could not cheer on these two guys.
  • Krissy Moehl did a nice write-up about her experience running the Rann 101k in India. The race definitely sounds like a unique event compared to most American and Euro races. I always like Krissy’s gear lists at the end of her reports too.
  • 2014 Tarawera Training Update. I always enjoy reading Sage’s blog posts and watching his YouTube videos because he is truly a running nerd, and I mean that as the highest compliment.
  • xkcd: Now. Okay, I freely admit this may only be running-related in my mind, but I’m posting it anyway just because xkcd is so consistently brilliant. How is this possibly running-related you ask? Well, with TGC this weekend starting at midnight, and trying to estimate the finishers times in order to keep watch on Twitter, this handy graphic makes it easy to see times in Europe compared to the US. Plus, to reiterate, xkcd is awesome. So shut up.