Weekly Summary 03/24/14-03/30/14

Mileage: ~65; Elevation: ~4500′

Monday PM: 3.33M,~900′ gained. Easy uphill recovery power-hike. Followed by core workout and climbing on my garage wall.

Tuesday AM: 5k, ~500′ gained. 5×400 meter uphill efforts with 400 meter recoveries.

Tuesday PM: 10k recovery run around my standard Winrock park loop. Followed by upper body workout.

Wednesday PM: 4.5M followed by a plyometric workout. Sadly I was feeling very sore and achy today. Not from running, but from my horrible posture at my desk job. Definitely something I need to remedy.

Thursday AM: 7.5M of speedwork. 5x1M @ 7:20 pace, followed by 3:40 recoveries. I was aiming for cut-downs of 7:20, 7:15, 7:10, 7:05 and 7:00. My actual splits were 7:16, 7:15, 7:06, 7:01 and 7:07. I felt pretty good about the effort overall.

Thursday PM: 2.5M with the dogs followed by a core workout.

Friday AM: 3M shakeout run.

Saturday AM: 17.5M, 1400′ gained. For as easy as I was hoping this run would be, I struggled. March was a huge month for me, but I think I was feeling some accumulative fatigue.

Sunday AM: 17.5M, 1200′ gained. Another struggle. I try and remind myself during these kinds of days that I need to be accustomed to running tired and miserable and sore. As long as I’m not causing myself any injury, there are lessons to be learned during poor quality runs.