Weekly Summary 06/29/14-07/06/14
Mileage: ~53; Elevation: ~5400
This week was a bit of a break after last weekend’s big numbers. Overall, I feel good about my training these past six, seven or eight months and at this point I’m just trying to stay healthy until Leadville. In keeping with that goal, my plan is to alternate a big week of running with a week of consistency-focused running. I wanted everything to feel easy this past week, and for the most part it did.
Monday: 4M; 1056′ vert. My standard power-hiking/recovery Monday.
Tuesday: 5.26M; ~1200′ vert. I got a little over-confident on my hill repeats and had to back off the pace, but overall a good, challenging workout.
Wednesday: 10k Winrock Loop. My standard recovery run.
Thursday AM: 10k. I can’t even remember the last time I tried to run a Yasso 800s workout, but I wanted to do a slightly easier workout than my standard 5x1M repeats. At this point, gaining more speed before Leadville is not even a remote priority, I would just like to maintain some of my conditioning. I did a 7×800 Yasso workout and it did indeed feel rather easy compared to mile repeats.
Thursday PM: ~4M. Back on the track to pace Megan through her own set of Yassos. It may have been just a bit faster than I should have been running, but it felt like a good shakeout pace for me.
Friday AM: ~5M, ~800′ vert. Paid day off of work! We went and did the standard Indian School vertical loop, going up the Power Line/Three Bitches trail. After the run, I “recovered” by watching World Cup soccer all day.
Saturday AM: 13M, 1100′ vert. I probably should have ran slightly longer, but I was psyched to watch the Argentina game, and couldn’t bring myself to stay out too much longer. Trail 365 will be there when World Cup is over.
Sunday AM: 15k, ~900′ vert. Trail 365 run with Megan. I felt much better than the day before, I’m sure a lot of that had to do with the fact that there were no World Cup games being aired that I was worried about missing.
Sunday PM: Stone Age Climbing Gym session. Finally checked out the new gym with John and Megan. I have nothing but glowing praise for what they did. Recycled building materials, a huge increase in overall size, 45′-60′ long lead routes, multiple top ropes, a huge, huge, HUGE amount of bouldering areas, new air conditioning/filtration system, etc, etc. I can’t say enough good things about the new location, and it definitely inspired me to get back to the gym more often.