Weekly Summary 04/28/14-05/04/14

Mileage: ~59; Elevation: 7,120′

Monday PM: 4.26M, 1,200′ of elevation

Tuesday AM: 3.58M and 752′ of hill work.

Tuesday PM: 10k recovery run.

Wednesday PM: ~5.5M.

Thursday PM: 8.5M of speedwork. My aim for the session was to get every mile repeat under 7:10 and my actual splits were – 7:00, 7:09, 6:54, 6:47 and 6:54, so another very encouraging speed session.

Friday PM: 4M with 642′ of elevation gain. It was an exceptionally beautiful Spring day to go cruising on my normal Indian School vertical out-and-back recovery trail.

Saturday AM: 18M with 2,800′. I had absolutely nothing in my legs for this run. It was one of my slowest long runs ever and not on purpose. It has been becoming apparent that I might not have let my legs recover long enough/well enough after the Cedro Peak 45k and that I’m still paying the price for that mistake during my long runs.

Sunday AM: 9M with 900′ elevation gain. Another weekend of helping Megan complete her long run in preparation for her half-marathon in Pagosa Springs this June. I felt better than yesterday, but my legs still felt a marked lack of energy.