Weekly Summary 04/21/14-04/27/14

Mileage: ~54; Elevation: ~6,500′

Monday: 3.50M. Uphill recovery power-hike/run, followed by core endurance workout.

Tuesday AM: 3.5M hill repeats workout. 6×400 meter repeats.

Tuesday PM: 5M recovery run around the neighborhood, followed by upper body workout.

Wednesday PM: 10k easy run, followed by lower body workout.

Thursday AM: 7.5M of speedwork. 5x1M repeats (7:09, 7:04, 7:04, 6:59, 6:55). I was going for a 7:15 pace, with a five second cut-down each repeat, so this was definitely a confidence-boosting workout.

Thursday PM: 20 minutes easy with my dog to shake the legs out. Followed by a core endurance workout.

Friday PM: 5k uphill recovery power-hike/run, followed by upper body workout.

Saturday AM: ~17M, ~2,400′ of elevation gain. Long run on trail 365 and Pino Trail. Pino is a near-perfect example of what alpine singletrack trail should be. It has a ton of vert, a barely-there trail and ridiculously pretty views.

Sunday AM: 7M with Megan. Legs were still not where they should be, so I decided to take the wife on a lollipop route of my normal trails for her long run.